Monday, March 4, 2013

Resources on the "Higher Standards vs. Double Standards" Message

There were a few sources I mentioned that might be helpful in following various parts of the message.

I referenced two articles I read on the web that were very helpful in my preparation.  The first was "The Most Offensive Verse in the Bible" and it was by Dan Phillips at the Pyromaniacs blog.  While there are times when the these guys get a little too strident, I generally find their posts to be very thought-provoking,  Even when I disagree, I am challenged well.

The second article was by Michael Cheshire, and was called "Firehouse Accountability."  It was great, and I won't try and summarize it here, except to say this is where the idea of moving from "accountability to" to "accountability for" came from.  I will be linking to another of his articles next week--just a heads up there.

Also I was asked about a book I referenced in one illustration about helping the poor, and why we need to do so wisely.  It is called When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor...or Yourself, by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.

One more suggestion: check the Greene County Library for books I recommend if you want to borrow instead of buy.  Many of them are actually available.  Brenda Guernsey has kindly let me know this, and I want to pass it along to all of you as a possibility.

For those with access to the Cedarville University Library, many of my book recommendations will be available there, too.

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