Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Baptism: No Big Deal?"

This is a GREAT post by Craig Blomberg from Denver Seminary on the importance of baptism. Read it here.


  1. Question: If the Garden of Eden flourished until the flood, is that the reason the Arab countries are desert today - and the reason why they're pulling billions of gallons of oil out of the earth. Of course, I don't know how big the garden was.

    Another thought: The sons of God who married the daughters of man - their offspring were like super human.... is this where the Greeks and others obtained their ideas of the "gods?"

  2. Hi Carl,
    I think your question pertained to the previous post, but was found here. Since we don't know for certain where the Garden was in the pre-Flood world, we cannot identify it with the current Middle East, even though river names are similar to Genesis 1. We often name things after earlier examples, and I think that is what happened here.
    As to the Greek notion of the gods and demigods, this idea predates even the Greeks into old Egyptian and Babylonian culture. It may be that these ideas led Jewish rabbis to consider "sons of God" as fallen angels, OR it may be that "sons of God" really were fallen angels and this inspired the thinking of other cultures.
