Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Reformation Sunday

Well, Grace celebrated Reformation Sunday with an introduction to Martin Luther and the use of 2 of his hymns.  It was a great time of reflection and worship, including powerful music and gathering around the communion table.  If you want to join in, you can go to the church website and listen/watch the message shortly, and find the outline there, too!

Yes, a Baptist church honored Luther, and the roof didn't fall in.  And no, we still don't agree with him on baptism, communion, or a number of other areas.  But the freedom of churches to disagree stems from his insistence that the Word of God is our final authority, not a church structure.

And one more thought for you on this day--a further advance in Christian thinking came thanks to Baptists in America, who took advantage of their situation to urge the separation of church and state.  Their political ally--none other than non-Baptist (really non-Christian) Thomas Jefferson!

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